The cat with gloves catches no mice.
Navjot Singh Sidhu
Oh yeah, been there, done that and survived! They pick the best, brightest and sexiest women they can lure. (From Women Who Love Psychopaths) But! Is it possible to beat them in their own game? Few people have the strength and the intelligence to do this successfully. Wanna take your chance?
Chick fight. Razmisli!
Lahko razmišljam, ampak si še vedno ne bom hotela rok mazat. Mogoče bom vseeno raje še kaj napisala o psihopatih, zavajanju, manipuliranju, goljufijah, nezakonitostih in takih rečeh. Ne ravno nujno vse sem, ampak dovolj, da kdo ne bi mogel reči, da ni vedel Menda se vse enkrat začne in konča, pa mora to veljati tudi za prej naštete reči…